cll.h File Reference

Detailed Description

0.3.0 Simple generic singly linked list Remember that this is all fun and games, but a vector will generally be much faster for just about everything.

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Definition in file cll.h.

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Data Structures

struct  cr8r_cll_node
 A circular linked list node, or an entire circular linked list by synecdoche Note that a pointer to the LAST node is typically passed around, because last->next gets the first node. More...
struct  cr8r_cll_ft
 Function table for linked list. More...


bool cr8r_cll_ft_init (cr8r_cll_ft *, void *data, uint64_t size, void *(*alloc)(cr8r_base_ft *), void(*del)(cr8r_base_ft *, void *), void(*copy)(cr8r_base_ft *, void *dest, const void *src), int(*cmp)(const cr8r_base_ft *, const void *, const void *))
 Convenience function to initialize a cr8r_cll_ft. More...
bool cr8r_cll_ft_initsla (cr8r_cll_ft *, cr8r_sla *sla, uint64_t size, uint64_t reserve, void(*copy)(cr8r_base_ft *, void *dest, const void *src), int(*cmp)(const cr8r_base_ft *, const void *, const void *))
 Convenience function to initialize a cr8r_cll_ft and associated slab allocator. More...
cr8r_cll_nodecr8r_cll_new (cr8r_cll_ft *, const void *data)
 Allocate a new list node and initialize it with given data. More...
void cr8r_cll_delete (cr8r_cll_node *, cr8r_cll_ft *)
 Delete a list. More...
cr8r_cll_nodecr8r_cll_copy (const cr8r_cll_node *, cr8r_cll_ft *)
 Create a copy of a list. More...
cr8r_cll_nodecr8r_cll_from (cr8r_cll_ft *, uint64_t len, const void *a)
 Create a list from an array. More...
bool cr8r_cll_pushl (cr8r_cll_node **self, cr8r_cll_ft *, const void *val)
 Add a node with a given value at the beginning of the list. More...
bool cr8r_cll_popl (cr8r_cll_node **self, cr8r_cll_ft *, void *out)
 Remove the first node in the list. More...
bool cr8r_cll_pushr (cr8r_cll_node **self, cr8r_cll_ft *, const void *val)
 Add a node with a given value at the end of the list. More...
bool cr8r_cll_popr (cr8r_cll_node **self, cr8r_cll_ft *, void *out)
 Remove the first node in the list. More...
bool cr8r_cll_filtered (cr8r_cll_node **dest, const cr8r_cll_node *src, cr8r_cll_ft *, bool(*pred)(const void *))
 Create a new list from the subsequence of a given list satisfying a predicate. More...
void cr8r_cll_filter (cr8r_cll_node **self, cr8r_cll_ft *, bool(*pred)(const void *))
 Filter a list in place by deleting all nodes that don't match a predicate. More...
bool cr8r_cll_mapped (cr8r_cll_node **dest, const cr8r_cll_node *src, cr8r_cll_ft *dest_ft, void(*f)(void *o, const void *e))
 Create a new list by applying a transformation function to every element in a list. More...
void cr8r_cll_forEach (cr8r_cll_node *, cr8r_cll_ft *, void(*f)(void *))
 Execute a given function on each element in a list. More...
cr8r_cll_nodecr8r_cll_combine (cr8r_cll_node *a, cr8r_cll_node *b, cr8r_cll_ft *)
 Stitch together two lists, one after the other. More...
bool cr8r_cll_all (const cr8r_cll_node *, cr8r_cll_ft *, bool(*pred)(const void *))
 Test if a predicate holds for all elements in a list. More...
bool cr8r_cll_any (const cr8r_cll_node *, cr8r_cll_ft *, bool(*pred)(const void *))
 Test if a predicate holds for any element in a list. More...
cr8r_cll_nodecr8r_cll_lsearch (cr8r_cll_node *, cr8r_cll_ft *, const void *e)
 Find the first node in a list with an element matching a given element according to ft->cmp. More...
void * cr8r_cll_foldr (const cr8r_cll_node *, cr8r_cll_ft *, void *init, void *(*f)(void *acc, const void *e))
 Perform a right fold on a list. More...
void cr8r_cll_sort (cr8r_cll_node **self, cr8r_cll_ft *)
 Sort a list in place. More...
cr8r_cll_nodecr8r_cll_sorted (const cr8r_cll_node *, cr8r_cll_ft *)
 Create a sorted copy of a list. More...
void cr8r_cll_reverse (cr8r_cll_node **self, cr8r_cll_ft *)
 Reverse a list in place. More...
cr8r_cll_nodecr8r_cll_reversed (const cr8r_cll_node *, cr8r_cll_ft *)
 Creates a reversed copy of a list. More...

Function Documentation

◆ cr8r_cll_ft_init()

bool cr8r_cll_ft_init ( cr8r_cll_ft ,
void *  data,
uint64_t  size,
void *(*)(cr8r_base_ft *)  alloc,
void(*)(cr8r_base_ft *, void *)  del,
void(*)(cr8r_base_ft *, void *dest, const void *src)  copy,
int(*)(const cr8r_base_ft *, const void *, const void *)  cmp 

Convenience function to initialize a cr8r_cll_ft.

Using standard structure initializer syntax with designated initializers may be simpler. However, this function provides basic checking (it checks the required functions aren't NULL).

[in]datapointer to user defined data to associate with the function table. generally NULL is sufficient. see cr8r_base_ft for a more in-depth explaination
[in]sizesize of a single element in bytes. Note that the size of a node will be offsetof(cr8r_cll_node, data) + size
[in]allocallocate a single node. Using a slab allocator ( cr8r_sla ) is a good choice.
[in]delfree a single node.
[in]copycopy an element. can be NULL if memcpy is sufficient.
[in]cmpcomparison function. must not be NULL in order to call any searching or sorting functions
1 on success, 0 on failure (if alloc or del is NULL)

◆ cr8r_cll_ft_initsla()

bool cr8r_cll_ft_initsla ( cr8r_cll_ft ,
cr8r_sla sla,
uint64_t  size,
uint64_t  reserve,
void(*)(cr8r_base_ft *, void *dest, const void *src)  copy,
int(*)(const cr8r_base_ft *, const void *, const void *)  cmp 

Convenience function to initialize a cr8r_cll_ft and associated slab allocator.

Automatically initializes sla, points ft-> at sla, and sets ft->alloc and ft->free to cr8r_default_alloc_sla and cr8r_default_free_sla respectively. WARNING sla is always initialized, an initialized sla should not be passed and in particular to make multiple tables with the same slab allocator, call this once and then call cr8r_cll_ft_init or use a literal for subsequent function tables.

[out]slaslab allocator to initialize and point ft-> at. must be uninitialized. it is possible to have more information in ft-> by placing sla in a structure and additional information before or after it.
[in]sizesize of a single element (of the circular list) in bytes. the size of a node (or slab allocator element) is offsetof(cr8r_cll_node, data) + size.
[in]reservehow many nodes to reserve space for in the slab allocator initially. must not be 0.
[in]copycopy an element. can be NULL if memcpy is sufficient.
[in]cmpcomparison function. should not be NULL. some functions do not require it, but it is required to do anything useful with avl trees. See cr8r_default_cmp for a basic generic implementation.
1 on success, 0 on failure (if cmp, sla, or reserve is NULL/0 or the slab allocator cannot reserve enough memory)

◆ cr8r_cll_new()

cr8r_cll_node* cr8r_cll_new ( cr8r_cll_ft ,
const void *  data 

Allocate a new list node and initialize it with given data.

The next field in the created node points to itself, as a singleton circular linked list.

[in]dataelement to put into the node. This is generally a structure with conceptual "key" and "value" parts.
a pointer to the new, initialized node, or NULL if ft->alloc fails.

◆ cr8r_cll_delete()

void cr8r_cll_delete ( cr8r_cll_node ,

Delete a list.

Calls ft->del on each node

◆ cr8r_cll_copy()

cr8r_cll_node* cr8r_cll_copy ( const cr8r_cll_node ,

Create a copy of a list.

Copies entries with ft->copy if applicable.

pointer to a copy of the list on success, or NULL if ft->alloc fails.

◆ cr8r_cll_from()

cr8r_cll_node* cr8r_cll_from ( cr8r_cll_ft ,
uint64_t  len,
const void *  a 

Create a list from an array.

Copies entries with ft->copy if applicable.

[in]lenlength of the array
[in]apointer to the beginning of the array
pointer to a list copied from the array on success, or NULL if ft->alloc fails.

◆ cr8r_cll_pushl()

bool cr8r_cll_pushl ( cr8r_cll_node **  self,
cr8r_cll_ft ,
const void *  val 

Add a node with a given value at the beginning of the list.

This is an O(1) operation.

[in,out]selfpointer to pointer to last node in current list, so that if the last node changes (ie if inserting into a NULL list) it can be updated
[in]valvalue to add to the list. ft->alloc is called to create the node to place it in
1 on success, 0 on failure (allocation failure)

◆ cr8r_cll_popl()

bool cr8r_cll_popl ( cr8r_cll_node **  self,
cr8r_cll_ft ,
void *  out 

Remove the first node in the list.

This is an O(1) operation.

[in,out]selfpointer to pointer to last node in current list, so that if the last node changes (ie if removing from a singleton list) it can be updated
[out]outthe element of the removed node is copied here and then the removed node is deallocated with ft->del
1 on success, 0 on failure (if *self is NULL corresponding to removing from a NULL list)

◆ cr8r_cll_pushr()

bool cr8r_cll_pushr ( cr8r_cll_node **  self,
cr8r_cll_ft ,
const void *  val 

Add a node with a given value at the end of the list.

This is an O(1) operation.

[in,out]selfpointer to pointer to last node in current list, so it can be updated because this operation always changes it to the new node
[in]valvalue to add to the list. ft->alloc is called to create the node to place it in
1 on success, 0 on failure (allocation failure)

◆ cr8r_cll_popr()

bool cr8r_cll_popr ( cr8r_cll_node **  self,
cr8r_cll_ft ,
void *  out 

Remove the first node in the list.

This is an O(n) operation. Using a circular linked list allows us to go from having just pushl and popl be constant time to pushr as well, but to get constant time popr a doubly linked list (including XOR or offset lists) is needed.

[in,out]selfpointer to pointer to last node in current list, so that it can be updated because this operation always changes it to the previous node unless the list is a single or empty, in which case this is set to NULL or the operation fails, respectively.
[out]outthe element of the removed node is copied here and then the removed node is deallocated with ft->del
1 on success, 0 on failure (if *self is NULL corresponding to removing from a NULL list)

◆ cr8r_cll_filtered()

bool cr8r_cll_filtered ( cr8r_cll_node **  dest,
const cr8r_cll_node src,
cr8r_cll_ft ,
bool(*)(const void *)  pred 

Create a new list from the subsequence of a given list satisfying a predicate.

[out]destpointer to store filtered list in
[in]srclist to copy from
[in]predpredicate function, called on all elements of the input list. elements for which 1 is returned are copied to the output.
1 on success, or 0 on allocation failure.

◆ cr8r_cll_filter()

void cr8r_cll_filter ( cr8r_cll_node **  self,
cr8r_cll_ft ,
bool(*)(const void *)  pred 

Filter a list in place by deleting all nodes that don't match a predicate.

[in,out]selfpointer to pointer to last element of list to filter, so that it can be updated if it changes
[in]predpredicate function, called on all elements of the input list. elements for which 0 is returned are removed and deleted.

◆ cr8r_cll_mapped()

bool cr8r_cll_mapped ( cr8r_cll_node **  dest,
const cr8r_cll_node src,
cr8r_cll_ft dest_ft,
void(*)(void *o, const void *e)  f 

Create a new list by applying a transformation function to every element in a list.

[out]destpointer to store map output list in
[in]srclist to map from
[in]dest_ftfunction table cr8r_cll_ft
[in]ftransformation function, called on all elements of the input list to produce elements of output list. the first argument is a pointer to the output list element to populate, and the second argument is a pointer to the input list element to map from.
1 on success, 0 on allocation failure

◆ cr8r_cll_forEach()

void cr8r_cll_forEach ( cr8r_cll_node ,
cr8r_cll_ft ,
void(*)(void *)  f 

Execute a given function on each element in a list.

Processes elements in order starting with the first Only useful for dirty, dirty side effects

[in]fcallback function

◆ cr8r_cll_combine()

cr8r_cll_node* cr8r_cll_combine ( cr8r_cll_node a,
cr8r_cll_node b,

Stitch together two lists, one after the other.

Given two lists, connects them to form a longer list. Updates a->next, b->next = b, a->next and returns b.

[in,out]apointer to the last element of the first list
[in,out]bpointer to the last element of the second list
pointer to the last element of the combined list, namely b

◆ cr8r_cll_all()

bool cr8r_cll_all ( const cr8r_cll_node ,
cr8r_cll_ft ,
bool(*)(const void *)  pred 

Test if a predicate holds for all elements in a list.

Returns false immediately if any element does not satisfy the predicate.

[in]predpredicate function, called on each element in the list
1 if the predicate function returns 1 on all elements, 0 (as soon as it doesn't) otherwise

◆ cr8r_cll_any()

bool cr8r_cll_any ( const cr8r_cll_node ,
cr8r_cll_ft ,
bool(*)(const void *)  pred 

Test if a predicate holds for any element in a list.

Returns true immediately if any element satisfies the predicate. Note that this is completely equivalent to the negation of cr8r_cll_all with the negation of the predicate.

[in]predpredicate function, called on each element in the list
1 (as soon as) the predicate function returns 1 on any element, 0 if it returns 0 on all of them

◆ cr8r_cll_lsearch()

cr8r_cll_node* cr8r_cll_lsearch ( cr8r_cll_node ,
cr8r_cll_ft ,
const void *  e 

Find the first node in a list with an element matching a given element according to ft->cmp.

This is O(n) because it simply does a linear search.

[in]eelement to search for (using ft->cmp)
pointer to the first node matching the given element, or NULL if none matches

◆ cr8r_cll_foldr()

void* cr8r_cll_foldr ( const cr8r_cll_node ,
cr8r_cll_ft ,
void *  init,
void *(*)(void *acc, const void *e)  f 

Perform a right fold on a list.

Given an initial accumulator value of some type T in a void pointer, a list, and a function f that takes a void pointer to a T value and an element of the list and returns a void pointer to a T value, this function repeatedly applies f to the current accumulator and element to get the new accumulator value. This is repeated for every element in the left, going from left to right, and the final accumulator value is returned. The accumulation function f must handle freeing old accumulator values once it is finished with them if necessary.

[in]initstarting value for the accumulator
[in]faccumulation function: should take current accumulator value (as void pointer) and current list element and return new accumulator value. It should either modify the accumulator value in place, returning it as well, or allocate a new pointer for the new accumulator value and free the old one once the new one has been computed. In cases where the accumulator value is an integer or something else that fits within a pointer, the pointer can be used as a casted integer or whatnot instead of as a pointer.
the final accumulator value

◆ cr8r_cll_sort()

void cr8r_cll_sort ( cr8r_cll_node **  self,

Sort a list in place.

Uses a merge sort like algorithm

[in,out]selfpointer to pointer to last node in list. updated to contain a pointer to the new last node in case it changes

◆ cr8r_cll_sorted()

cr8r_cll_node* cr8r_cll_sorted ( const cr8r_cll_node ,

Create a sorted copy of a list.

Simply calls cr8r_cll_copy and then cr8r_cll_sort on the copy

pointer to the last element of the sorted copy, or NULL on an allocation failure Note that NULL is also returned if the input list is empty, but these reasons for returning NULL are mutually exclusive

◆ cr8r_cll_reverse()

void cr8r_cll_reverse ( cr8r_cll_node **  self,

Reverse a list in place.

[in,out]selfthe list to reverse. passed as a pointer to a pointer to the last node, so that the pointer to the last node can be updated

◆ cr8r_cll_reversed()

cr8r_cll_node* cr8r_cll_reversed ( const cr8r_cll_node ,

Creates a reversed copy of a list.

pointer to the last element of the reversed copy, or NULL on an allocation failure Note that NULL is also returned if the input list is empty, but these reasons for returning NULL are mutually exclusive