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//! Very Generic Data Structures
//! Crater provides KD Trees ([`kdtree::KdTree`]), minmax heaps ([`mmheap::MmHeap`]), and intrusive Fibonacci heaps ([`fheap::FibHeap`]) with as much flexibility as possible.
//! For KD Trees, no restrictions are placed on the data besides that points
//! have well defined distance to regions/other points, and regions can be expanded/split.
//! Similarly, minmax heaps accept any comparison function.
//! To get started quickly, look at [`cuboid::CuPoint`] and [`cuboid::CuRegion`] and the tests in [`cuboid::tests::pointcloud`].
//! This will provide an overview of how to use KD trees with the prebuilt Cartesian points/regions.
//! To associate custom data to points, create structs wrapping [`cuboid::CuPoint`] and [`cuboid::CuRegion`] which delegate to their [`KdPoint`]
//! and [`KdRegion`] implementations. To implement [`KdPoint`] and [`KdRegion`] for arbitrary custom types,
//! continue reading their trait documentation here.
#![feature(split_at_checked, allocator_api, non_null_convenience, slice_ptr_get)]
pub mod mmheap;
pub mod cuboid;
pub mod kdtree;
pub mod fheap;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use num_traits::Zero;
/// A point in the tree. Types implementing this can contain arbitrary data,
/// to be accessed when the tree is queried by a point + distance, point + count,
/// region, etc.
/// NB: If `T: KdPoint`, `<T as Eq>::eq` can be implemented by comparing `T::sqdist` to `T::Distance::zero()`
pub trait KdPoint: Sized + Eq {
/// The type used by sqdist and related KdRegion functions to represent (squared) distance.
/// Must be totally ordered, where greater distances mean points are farther apart.
/// Also must be Clone and have a meaningful minimum value (0)
type Distance: Ord + Clone + Zero;
/// The squared distance is more computationally convenient than the proper distance
/// in many cases. The distance function only has to be topologically consistent
/// and totally ordered. See KdRegion::min_sqdist for more info. The return value should be >= Distance::zero().
fn sqdist(&self, other: &Self) -> Self::Distance;
/// Compare two points in some layer of the tree. This generalizes splitting
/// different layers of the tree in different dimensions and is tied to KdRegion::split.
/// Traditionally, points in a KD tree are compared by their 1st coordinate in layer 0,
/// their 2nd in layer 1, ..., onto their Kth in layer k - 1, and then in layer K it wraps
/// around to 0 and repeats. So for a 3D KD tree, layer 0 would compare x coordinates
/// with the root having the median x coordinate, all points in the first subtree having
/// x coordinate <=, and all points in the second subtree having x coordinate >=.
/// This method allows for more general strategies, but pushes some of the burden of
/// layer-dependent behavior onto the point type. It's still possible to just implement
/// a by-coordinate cmp function of course, and this is what the prebuilt CuPoint does.
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self, layer: usize) -> Ordering;
/// A region in the tree, or in space in general. A type implementing this will be tightly
/// coupled to some type implementing [`KdPoint`]. For example, the prebuilt [`cuboid::CuPoint`] struct
/// represents a point in Cartesian space with Euclidean distance, and the prebuilt [`cuboid::CuRegion`]
/// struct represents cuboid regions of space (rectangles in 2D, rectangular prisms in 3D, etc).
/// Regions often represent infinitely many points in space (how many points are in your
/// typical rectangle?). Regions should be able to represent a single point, but the ability
/// to represent an empty region isn't necessary.
pub trait KdRegion: Sized + Clone {
type Point: KdPoint;
/// Given a point `p` in this region `A` and a layer `l`, split `A` into two subregions `B` and `C` so that:
/// - Any point `q` in `A` is in `B` or `C`, that is, if `A.min_sqdist(q) == 0`, then either `B.min_sqdist(q) == 0`
/// or `C.min_sqdist(q) == 0` (possibly both). Note that strictly speaking this only *needs* to be
/// true over all points in the tree, not all points in space, but in practice it is almost always
/// much easier to make this true for all points in space, not least because this trait and
/// method have no reference to any particular KD tree.
/// - Any point `q` in `B` is `<= p` in layer `l`, using [`KdPoint::cmp`], and any point `q` in `C` is `>= p`
/// - Any point not in `A` should hopefully be farther from `B` than from `C` (or visa versa) in at least
/// some layers (note that distance doesn't depend on layer, but split direction does).
/// That is, if `A.min_dist(q) == d where d > 0`, then `B.min_sqdist(q), C.min_sqdist(q) >= d` (are both at least `d`),
/// and ideally one should be significantly more in at least some layers.
/// Note how the basic instance of regions, cuboid regions, obviously obey all these properties
fn split(&self, point: &Self::Point, layer: usize) -> (Self, Self);
/// Given a region and a point possibly not in the region, extend the region to include the point if
/// necessary. The concrete requirements this places on the implementation are that
/// `self.min_sqdist(q)` can only decrease or remain the same for any fixed `q`, and in particular `self.extend(q)`
/// should cause `self.min_sqdist(q)` to be `0` if it wasn't already
fn extend(&mut self, point: &Self::Point);
/// Create a region consisting of a single point. For cuboid regions for example, this is represented as
/// a cuboid whose inclusive "start" and "end" points are both the same. Types implementing this trait
/// should be able to represent single points fairly well, but because of the conservative nature of
/// everything, it is acceptable to fudge it by having a very small region containing the point.
/// It's not necessary for types to be able to represent an empty region well or even at all.
fn single_point(point: &Self::Point) -> Self;
/// Return the minimal squared distance any point in this region could have to a given point.
/// The return value must be `<= KdPoint::sqdist` between the given point and any point within this region.
/// It's safe to return a smaller value, or even always return `Distance::zero()`, but this degrades performance because
/// we can't prune subtrees from the search.
/// If `B` is a subregion of `A` and `p` is a point not in `A`, then `B.min_sqdist(p) >= A.min_sqdist(p)`
fn min_sqdist(&self, point: &Self::Point) -> <Self::Point as KdPoint>::Distance;
/// Return the maximal squared distance any point in this region could have to a given point, or `None` if infinite.
/// The return value must be `>= KdPoint::sqdist` between the given point and any point within this region.
/// `None` is considered infinitely far away. It's safe to return a larger value, or even always return `None`,
/// but this may degrade performace for some queries that cull based on minimal distance.
/// Currently, this only happens for [`kdtree::KdTree::k_closest`] where [`kdtree::QueryOptions::lower_bound`] is [`kdtree::QueryBound::SqDist`].
/// If `B` is a subregion of `A` and `p` is a point not in `A`, then `B.max_sqdist(p) <= A.max_sqdist(p)`.
fn max_sqdist(&self, point: &Self::Point) -> Option<<Self::Point as KdPoint>::Distance>;
/// Return true if this region and another region might overlap, or false if they are definitely disjoint.
/// Conservative implementors can always return true.
/// Currently only used by [`kdtree::KdTree::k_closest`] if [`kdtree::QueryOptions::outer_bound`] is [`kdtree::QueryBound::Region`].
fn might_overlap(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;
/// Return true if this region is DEFINITELY a superset of another region, or false if it is not.
/// `A` may be a superset of `B` even if `B` is internally tangent to `A` or `B` is `A`.
/// May return false even if self is a superset of other, if it would be expensive or difficult to compute correctly.
/// Currently only used by [`kdtree::KdTree::k_closest`] if [`kdtree::QueryOptions::inner_bound`] is [`kdtree::QueryBound::Region`]
fn is_superset(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;
/// Tree traversal control flow, similar to Rust's builtin [`std::ops::ControlFlow`] enum.
pub enum WalkDecision {
/// Get the bounding box of a set of points. For [`cuboid::CuRegion`] and [`cuboid::CuPoint`], this will be an
/// AABB (Axis Aligned Bounding Box). For general [`KdRegion`], the bounds are not required to be tight
pub fn get_bounds<'a, R: KdRegion>(points: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a R::Point>) -> Option<R> where R: 'a {
let mut it = points.into_iter();
let mut res = R::single_point(it.next()?);