use std::{array, cmp::{max, Ordering}};
use num_traits::NumRef;
use rand::{distributions::{uniform::SampleUniform, Distribution, Uniform}, Rng};
use crate::{KdPoint, KdRegion};
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct CuPoint<T, const N: usize>
where T: Ord + Clone + NumRef {
buf: [T; N]
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct CuRegion<T, const N: usize>
where T: Ord + Clone + NumRef {
pub start: CuPoint<T, N>,
pub end: CuPoint<T, N>
impl<T, const N: usize> KdPoint for CuPoint<T, N>
where T: Ord + Clone + NumRef {
type Distance = T;
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self, layer: usize) -> Ordering {
let idx = layer%N;
if N == 0 {
} else {
fn sqdist(&self, other: &Self) -> Self::Distance {
let mut a = T::zero();
for i in 0..N {
let (x, y) = (&self.buf[i], &other.buf[i]);
let d = if x > y { x.clone() - y } else { y.clone() - x };
a = a + d.clone()*&d;
impl<T, const N: usize> Distribution<CuPoint<T, N>> for Uniform<T>
where T: Ord + Clone + NumRef + SampleUniform {
fn sample<R>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> CuPoint<T, N> where R: Rng + ?Sized {
CuPoint{buf: array::from_fn(|_|self.sample(rng))}
impl<T, const N: usize> Default for CuPoint<T, N>
where T: Ord + Clone + NumRef {
fn default() -> Self {
Self{buf: array::from_fn(|_|T::zero())}
impl<T: Ord + Copy + NumRef, const N: usize> Copy for CuPoint<T, N> {}
impl<T: Ord + Clone + NumRef, const N: usize> Eq for CuPoint<T, N> {}
impl<T, const N: usize> CuPoint<T, N>
where T: Ord + Clone + NumRef {
pub fn make(buf: [T; N]) -> Self {
pub fn view(&self) -> &[T; N] {
pub fn extract(self) -> [T; N] {
impl<T, const N: usize> From<[T; N]> for CuPoint<T, N>
where T: Ord + Clone + NumRef {
fn from(buf: [T; N]) -> Self {
impl<T, const N: usize> KdRegion for CuRegion<T, N>
where T: Ord + Clone + NumRef {
type Point = CuPoint<T, N>;
fn split(&self, point: &Self::Point, layer: usize) -> (Self, Self) {
let mut sub0 = self.clone();
let mut sub1 = self.clone();
let idx = layer%N;
let split_coord = &point.buf[idx];
(sub0, sub1)
fn min_sqdist(&self, point: &Self::Point) -> T {
(&self.start.buf).into_iter().zip(&self.end.buf).zip(&point.buf).fold(T::zero(), |a,((l, r), x)|{
let d = if x < l {
l.clone() - x
} else if r < x {
x.clone() - r
} else {
return a
a + d.clone()*d
fn max_sqdist(&self, point: &Self::Point) -> Option<T> {
Some((&self.start.buf).into_iter().zip(&self.end.buf).zip(&point.buf).fold(T::zero(), |a,((l, r), x)|{
let d = if x < l {
r.clone() - x
} else if r < x {
x.clone() - l
} else {
max(r.clone() - x, x.clone() - l)
a + d.clone()*d
fn might_overlap(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
!(b < c || d < a)
fn is_superset(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
a <= c && d <= b
fn extend(&mut self, point: &Self::Point) {
for (i, x) in (&point.buf).into_iter().enumerate() {
if x < &self.start.buf[i] {
} else if x > &self.end.buf[i] {
fn single_point(point: &Self::Point) -> Self {
Self{start: point.clone(), end: point.clone()}
impl<T: Ord + Copy + NumRef, const N: usize> Copy for CuRegion<T, N> {}
mod tests {
use crate::kdtree::{KdTree, QueryOptions};
use super::*;
const NUM_POINTS: usize = 1000;
const BOX_SIZE: i64 = 2000;
const KCS_SIZE: i64 = 2200;
const KCS_COUNT: usize = 50;
const KCS_TRIALS: usize = 50;
const KD_TRIALS: usize = 5;
fn get_bounds<const N: usize>(kdt: &KdTree::<CuRegion<i64, N>>) -> Option<CuRegion<i64, N>> {
let mut it = kdt.iter_points();
let mut res =|p|CuRegion{start:p.clone(), end:p.clone()})?;
for point in it {
for i in 0..N {
let x = &point.buf[i];
if x < &res.start.buf[i] {
} else if x > &res.end.buf[i] {
fn pointcloud() {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let box_dist = Uniform::new_inclusive(-BOX_SIZE/2, BOX_SIZE/2);
let kcs_dist = Uniform::new_inclusive(-KCS_SIZE/2, KCS_SIZE/2);
for _ in 0..KD_TRIALS {
eprintln!("Generating {0} random lattice points in [-{1}, {1}]^3", NUM_POINTS, BOX_SIZE/2);
let mut points: Vec<(CuPoint<i64, 3>, ())> = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..NUM_POINTS {
points.push((box_dist.sample(&mut rng), ()))
eprintln!("Checking bounds of points");
let kdt: KdTree<_> = points.into_iter().collect();
let bounds = get_bounds(&kdt);
match (&bounds, &kdt.bounds) {
(Some(CuRegion{start: a, end: b}), Some(CuRegion{start: c, end: d})) =>
if a.view() != c.view() || b.view() != d.view() {
panic!("Bounds did not match!")},
_ => panic!("Failed to get bounds!")
if !kdt.check_tree() {
panic!("KD Tree built wrong!")
for _ in 0..KCS_TRIALS {
let point: CuPoint<i64, 3> = kcs_dist.sample(&mut rng);
eprintln!("Getting {} closest points to {:?}", KCS_COUNT, &point);
let mut res: Vec<_> = kdt.k_closest(&point, KCS_COUNT, QueryOptions::ALL_NO_TIES).into();
let mut res_naive: Vec<_> = kdt.k_closest_naive(&point, KCS_COUNT).into();
if res.len() != KCS_COUNT || res_naive.len() != KCS_COUNT {
panic!("K Closest and/or K Closest naive failed to get {} points!", KCS_COUNT)
if res.into_iter().zip(res_naive).any(|((o,_), (e,_))|point.sqdist(o) != point.sqdist(e)) {
panic!("K Closest and K Closest naive did not get the same sets of points!")